Földischule – The Training Institute for ML/KPE
Since its founding in the early 80s, the Földischule has trained more than 45,000 therapists in Manual Lymph Drainage / Complex Physical Decongestion Therapy (CPT) and is one of the leading and most renowned providers of further education in this specialist field worldwide.
Földischule graduates now successfully work with this method not only in Germany and other European countries, but also in the USA, Australia, Asia, and Latin America.
The Földischule: One Main Location and Many External Course Sites
The school's main location is in Freiburg in southern Baden, where courses in ML/CPT are offered monthly throughout the year. This means training spots are usually available even at short notice.
The connection to the Földiklinik, which treats over 6,000 lymphological patients annually, guarantees a practice-oriented training. A comprehensive accommodation list additionally ensures that all participants can find an affordable room/apartment in Freiburg.
to the Földischule's course offerings
Some course offerings from the Földischule provide participants the opportunity to gain insights into daily clinic operations and observe selected lymphological conditions and their treatment by "professionals". This significantly enhances the quality of training.
Földischule – No. 1
- From Berlin to Freiburg, from Mönchengladbach to Dresden… you can find Földi courses nationwide at various locations near you
- Our further education in lymph drainage sets standards internationally: Courses in Hungary, Denmark, and Turkey are currently on our program
- Diagnostics and therapy of lymphatic system diseases at the current medical and therapeutic standard
- Indications for additional physiotherapy measures beyond CPT to optimize treatment success
- Exclusive seminar series for successful graduates of the Földi method
- Opportunity for internship at the Földiklinik
- Transmission of specific new methods in all fields of lymphology
- Expert referral for special questions
Embedded in a holistic medical treatment concept, CPT is the recognized basis of conservative lymphedema treatment.