Your Treatment at the Földi Clinic
The Földi Clinic treats patients with lymphatic system diseases in all severity levels. Your treating physician (usually your general practitioner) submits a rehabilitation application to the responsible benefits provider, requesting your treatment at the Földi Clinic. For employed individuals, the pension insurance provider is typically responsible, otherwise the health insurance company.
Your benefits provider will inform you and simultaneously notify us once the application is approved. Due to the varying severity levels of lymphatic diseases, our interdisciplinary medical team will evaluate your documents. This evaluation often leads to a need for further clarification between us and your cost bearer.
This way, we can ensure that you receive the optimal treatment for your individual medical condition.
Right of Wish and Choice
Use your right of wish and choice to receive treatment at the Földi Clinic or another desired clinic.
What is the Right of Wish and Choice?
According to §8 SGB IX, every patient has the right to choose their own facility for inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation. You do not have to adhere to any clinic list provided by your cost bearer (e.g., pension insurance or health insurance).
Important: You have the right to freely select any suitable rehabilitation clinic. The Földi Clinic meets all requirements to be your desired clinic:
- The Földi Clinic has supply or occupancy contracts with cost bearers (e.g., according to §111 SGB V with statutory health insurance; or according to § 38 SGB IX with German pension insurances).
- The Földi Clinic is certified according to applicable quality standards
- The Földi Clinic is demonstrably suitable for treating lymphological diseases.
How to Correctly Apply the Right of Wish and Choice:
- If you have not yet submitted a rehabilitation application but have a desired clinic: Submit the wish and choice form directly with the rehab application (Download Portal).
- If you have already sent your rehab application but have not received a response: Submit the wish and choice form retrospectively and refer to your rehab application (Download Portal).
- If your rehab application has already been approved for another clinic: Submit an application for change of treatment facility (Download Portal).
What You Should Consider When Filling Out the Form:
Provide a clear and precise explanation: Your cost bearer will decide solely based on your application whether your desired clinic will be approved. Focus on the medical suitability of the desired clinic. The medical suitability of the clinic is more important than the economic efficiency requirement. In other words: If your desired clinic is medically better suited than the one assigned by the cost bearer, it will be approved, even if this may incur higher costs.
Arguments for Your Desired Clinic
If you have not yet submitted a rehabilitation application but have a desired clinic: Submit the wish and choice form directly with the rehab application. Medical suitability is the strongest argument for the desired clinic. Additional argumentative assistance can be found in the (Download Portal).
Competent Care in a Familial Atmosphere
I truly feel well taken care of. The entire team is not only highly competent but also very approachable – you can talk about anything and are always welcomed warmly.
Open Communication
I particularly appreciate the open communication: Whether I have questions or concerns, I am always taken seriously. After each treatment, I feel an improvement, and the results are clearly visible: My arm has noticeably become slimmer, and the pain has significantly reduced. This gives me a completely new sense of well-being.
The therapists always check in to see if everything is alright or if we should adjust something. This personal care makes all the difference for me.
Compression Care
Comprehensive consultation by the doctor and correct measurement of stockings are crucial for the success of compression therapy. Measurement takes place at precisely specified measuring points. To work correctly, compression stockings must fit exactly. Medical supply stores with years of well-founded expertise in this field typically provide the best-fitting stocking supply.
Medical compression stockings for the period after the inpatient stay are prescribed by lymphology-experienced doctors in our facility. The custom-made medical compression stockings (Class I - IV) are checked for fit and effectiveness before your discharge from the clinic.
From Stagnation to Visible Success
For me, the treatment here was a real turning point. Where there were hardly any improvements before, I now see clear progress. The numbers speak for themselves: On each of my legs, I have 5 liters less volume.
The Path to Success
Even though compression therapy can be quite demanding, the visible improvement more than makes up for the effort. I even enjoy the time during the treatment. What previously seemed like an endless challenge, I now experience as a manageable task with measurable results.
The Földi Clinic has 152 beds. Some rooms are equipped to be accessible for severely disabled patients.
The comfortable rooms are equipped with shower/WC and partially with a south-facing balcony. All rooms can be accessed with minimal barriers via elevator.
In the rooms, you have telephone connections and satellite TV - including international channels - available. Internet/WiFi access options are either in the room or in the common areas.
Accompanying Persons
You are welcome to bring accompanying persons, such as children or care-dependent relatives, during your inpatient stay with us. However, this requires a prior internal review. Accompanying persons also have the option to participate in certain therapies on-site for a separate flat rate.
For further information, please contact patient administration
Our clinic offers childcare for children from 3 years old who come as accompanying persons. A children's room equipped with plenty of play and craft materials is available for this purpose.
Our young guests are looked after from Monday to Friday.
Care Hours since March 11, 2024
Monday: 08:00-12:30 + 13:00-16:00
Tuesday: 08:00-12:30
Wednesday: 08:00-12:30 + 13:00-16:00
Thursday: 08:00-12:30
Friday: 08:00-12:30
- A signed care contract is required, where the legal guardians provide further details about the child (allergies, etc.) and leave their mobile phone number.
- School-aged children up to 4th grade have the opportunity to participate in classes at the Hinterzarten Elementary School.
- Parents with small children (up to 3 years) are welcome to use the children's room. We cannot assume supervision for children under 3 years old. Thank you for your understanding.
Patient Survey
Dear Patient,
We sincerely hope you are having a pleasant stay at our clinic. Our goal with our work for and with you is to continuously improve the quality of care for the benefit of our patients.
For this reason, we rely on your cooperation and would like to ask you to take a moment to carefully fill out our questionnaire. You are making an important contribution that helps us continually improve. Participation is, of course, voluntary, and your answers will be treated anonymously.
To access the survey, please click here
We thank you most sincerely for your support.
Your Review on
Additionally, we would like to ask you to provide your patient satisfaction review on
With our best wishes for your health.
Your Földi-Clinic Team